Coast Construction has provided you with the following Do's and Do Not's list to help you maintain the long life of your system and to minimize maintenance costs.
- Flush only toilet paper and what has passed through you first.
- Know where your septic is, let it breathe, and protect it.
- Inspect your tanks and field annually or to manufacturer's specifications, and perform any maintenance required.
- Clean septic tank outlet filter and/or pump filter as needed.
- Use water wisely to reduce the risk of water overloads.
- Avoid using your garbage disposal.
- Use phosphate-free detergent.
- Follow manufacturer's specifications regarding irrigation, planting, and landscaping.
- Fix all leaking faucets and toilets as soon as possible to prevent over watering of your system and a high-water alarm.
- Direct runoff from roofs, streets, driveways, and adjoining properties away from the drainfield and reserve area.
- Keep septic-tank lids easily accessible and watertight.
- Keep drainfield area and inspection ports accessible.
- Locate as-built for your system, or map location of all system components.
- Keep accurate, detailed records (inspections, pumping, repairs, servicing professionals, etc.).
- DO NOT use tank additives or "miracle" system cleaners.
- DO NOT use the toilet as a wastebasket. NO diapers, cigarette butts, coffee grounds, tampons, condoms, grease, oils, papers other than toilet paper, plastics, or any other non-biodegradable material.
- DO NOT dispose of paints or hazardous materials.
- DO NOT wash grease and oils down the sink no matter how much hot water chases it.
- DO NOT discard medications (like antibiotics) or antibacterial products down drains.
- DO NOT drive or park heavy vehicles over the drainfield or reserve drainfield area.
- DO NOT compact soils of drainfield or reserve in any way.
- DO NOT cover the drainfield or reserve in any way other than what is recommended by the manufacturer.
- DO NOT grade, level, fill, or cut drainfield or reserve area.
- DO NOT plant deep-rooting plants, especially trees and shrubs, in the drainfield or reserve area.
- DO NOT run storm drainage into the septic system. DO NOT drain water from hot tubs into the system.
- DO NOT install sprinkler systems in the drainfield.
- DO NOT allow large animals, (cows, horses, etc.) to enter the drainfield or reserve area.